
terra goes


March gets such a bad rap, y’all. She’s brought us a lot of chaos over the years, including a global pandemic, but she’s my birthday month, and I love her.

March is almost always a banner month for me, and this one was no different. I did a lot of things. I ran a half marathon. I turned 40. I spent time in a few of my favorite places with a few of my favorite people, and I made a big purchase that got me one step closer to where I want to be.


Another sub-2:00 half marathon. Last August I ran my second worst half marathon ever and briefly entertained the idea of maybe not being a runner anymore. My dog had died a week before, I’d been in Montana away from Virginia’s humidity for 10ish days, and it felt hard and terrible. Then winter came and I remembered that running is still kind of a fun thing when it’s not a total hellscape outside, so I signed up for the inaugural River City Half and it was great. I got back under 2 hours, which was really my only goal, and ran a 1:56:45 on a rainy, hilly course.

Turning 40. I always thought turning 40 would be this scary thing, but it really, really wasn’t. It was kind of great. I got to turn 40 at Zion National Park with two of my best friends and it was pretty incredible. I love showing people the places I love and it’s impossible to not be in awe of the scenery out there.

The Iditarod. If you know me, you know I’m obsessed with this 1,000-mile dog sled race, and this year I got to watch Dallas Seavey make history with a record sixth win. Plus, four incredible women finished in the top ten, and Jeff Deeter, one of my favorites, snagged a fourth-place finish. It was, as always, epic.

the LOWS

Overwhelm. The beginning of March was rapid-fire go, go, go, and then, when I got home from my birthday trip, the reality of all the things I needed to do and figure out and accomplish settled on me like a weight that felt, at times, nearly too heavy to handle. It was part work, part life, but it all combined into the type of overwhelm that made it hard to accomplish much of anything. I’m still figuring it out, breaking big things into little things until it’s easier to fit the entire picture into view.


Death Valley is magical. After Zion, I went alone to Death Valley National Park for a few days. It was my third visit to this park, the one I claim as my favorite. It is a land of extremes and incredible, staggering beauty, and this latest visit just reaffirmed my love for the place. I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of it.


  • I read four solid books in March, but my favorite was We All Want Impossible Things by Catherine Newman. This book is heartbreaking and brilliant.
  • Twice I made this sheet pan gnocchi with pesto and both times I was delighted by how legitimately easy and delicious it was. I’m also annoyed with myself for not jumping on the sheet pan dinner bandwagon earlier.
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